Well what a day. After a full day at work, I picked up a call to ask if I could bring some soa

Well I hit the road and got on the motorway over to Wirral to collect them and then straight back again to deliver them to Carl who was setting it all up at St Georges Hall for Her Majesty.
First I wasn't allowed in by the Police, after that Carl came out to collect them. I really hope she likes them. She will have aloe, goodbye and cucumber on hand tomorrow along with Lavender, Frankincense and Geranium Moisturiser on hand for hands!! She has all you need is lavender to take home and also A little Kelp from my friends which I do hope she gives to the Duke of Edinburgh!
So there we have it, Prince Charles got some on St Georges Day this year and now the Queen.
So we really can say that our soaps are fit for Queens and Kings!!!!! Yee haaaaaaaaaa! Now for a glass of wine....