Sunday, 23 October 2011

Just a few more things....

I have a lot more I want to achieve and I sat thinking about them earlier...

DJin a superclub, I already know what I will play. Failing that I will hire a villa in Ibiza overlooking the sea and as the sunsets - away from any other people so as not to disturb them -I will dance with my good friends. My friend Helen G and I, I think may be some of the only people who've ever been to Ibiza who don't take drugs and who danced longer than everyone else. I adore music, it's up there with my two pet bunnies for things I love the most.

Be bigger than the BodyShop one day

Run a successful events company

Get a Zoology Degree

Own a massive swathe of Protected Rainforest

Be a succesful Vegetable Grower

Win Strictly Come Dancing

Become a Wildlife Presenter

Alot of things I have done people said I wouldn't or that I'd fail...and to date I've not proved them right :))))

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