Wednesday, 16 November 2011

All you need is hug....Borneo Orangutan Article...

By Fiona Rogers and Anup Shah
I often get sent links to articles on Orangutans and this one is spectacular. If ever anyone wanted to see how similar we are to them just read this article about Fiona Rogers and Anup Shah's trip to Borneo.

Orangutans will copy people washing their clothes in a river, they will take another piece of washing and start washing. They jump in canoes and head for the best fruit on the other river banks.

We should leave them be and promote eco tourism that benefits local communities. You should read about the achievements that the Sumatran Orangutan Society are making with their replanting program too - let's hope mother nature will beat the greed of these palm oil and pulp companies.

Click here to read the full Article

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