Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Enter your Huckleberry Finn....What??? Cockney Cashpoint :)

I was making my way to London City along the Hackney Road on Tuesday morning this week. I stopped to get out £10 (or as I now know it a 'Speckled Hen').....I put my card in and it asked what language did I want....'English or Cockney' made me chuckle all the way to London Wall!

Huckleberry Finn =  rather than their Pin
Sausage and mash = cash
Speckled hen = £10
Rattle and tank = bank

Very amusing! My Gran was a Cockney and would have loved this. We used to sit and sing all the old London songs old man said follow the van, any time you're lambeth way, knees up mother brown....good times, good granny xx

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