Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Saw this and loved it.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Chikih & P Satsuma - The Kalaweit Sanctuary & Chanee

First off my fellow satsumas, if you tweet..highly recommend you follow @kalaweit. 

They saved a baby orang yesterday off a palm oil plantation.

Chanee who started Kalaweit is one of my major heroes and I nearly fell over when I bumped into him at the Hope4Apes event in 2010 I was volunteering at. When he was on stage with Sir David Attenborough he got a standing ovation for his talk. 

I first heard of him when I saw 'Natural World: Radio Gibbon' on BBC2, I think narrated by Sir Attenborough.
Cheeky Chikih :)
There is Chikih, a siamang, 12 yrs old, who was very ill when we first adopted her. She came from Jakarta in 2004 to the sanctuary. She was skinny and dehydrated when Kalaweit first took her in; having been kept in a small cage in Jakarta after hunters killed her parents. She had diaorrhea when she arrived and was very stressed out. And wowee the difference in her photos from even back in 2009 to now - she is happy, alebit her forest is gone, and she has a wild pig who comes to see her every day! :) 

We adopt her fully for €250 a year with some of the proceeds from sales on littlesatsuma.com.

This is the link to info on Chikih on Kalaweit's site: Chikih's Info

Peter Satsuma
Then there is Peter Satsuma, named after Little Satsuma, he's a gibbon, 5 years old. Chanee said I could name the next gibbon they rescued when I had contacted him and Nadege who was from Kalaweit too. Peter Satsuma was the first gibbon rescued into the new centre in 2010. Chanee said he was unusual as he was a white faced gibbon. The little fella has a knee fracture from some point in his young life.

Whenever Carlo sends news of them by email it seems Peter Satsuma has always been singing his head off. Which is apt as his first name is after a singer/ musician I used to save from various late night tangles and who I was madly in love with for a time and am still friends with.

We adopt him fully for €250 a year with some of the proceeds from sales on littlesatsuma.com.

This is the link to info on P Satsuma on Kalaweit's site: Peter Satsuma's Info 
Deffo take a look at their website: www.kalaweit.org and the amazing work they do. They also have an online shop...and you can also sponsor one of the rescued gibbons or siamangs online. They have sunbears too.

Chanee is truly someone who everyone will know of one day, his approach to conservation, saving animals and enviromental issuse is pioneering with the medium of radio out to the youngsters having a real impact.

Monday, 29 October 2012

'The Song of Wandering Aengus'....W.B Yeats

WENT out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.
When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire a-flame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And some one called me by my name:
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.
Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

The man who walked the long walk to freedom

I was thinking about Nelson Mandela today, I've not a clue why today particularly, but thinking how amazing it is to ponder what one human being can go through and do in their life. That it only takes one person like him to bring great change. And what made him different than someone else. One day he is a prisoner of Apartheid, the next he is ruling a Nation. How one human can sacrifice their life for standing up to the injustice served upon their fellow countrymen makes me wonder about the human capacity for selflessness...in a world that is currently rather commercial and rather greedy. Aung San Suu Kyi is another.

I found some words of wisdom from Nelson Mandela, and I'm jotting them down as much so I can read them again at my own leisure as I am for anyone else! I know,from the stats, that some people do read this blog and the number is growing...so clearly someone finds my waffle of interest (or some interest):

“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

"We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right".

Bourbon Street beginnings....

There are about ooh 3 or 4 people who know that the story of Little Satsuma begins in the French Quarter of New Orleans in 2001....I have no photos from being there as they are somewhere stuffed in a box in a house in Essex, assuming the owner of them is still alive.

A strange sequence of events that began on a trip there were the catalyst for a number of things that subsequently happened that led me along a very interesting path and led me eventually to a small village in Wales where I now live.

What it has showed me is that life is there in front of you, like a big fat pile of putty. There is no manual on what you are supposed to be making, you just have a try and see what you can make of it. If it's good keep it that way and the amazing thing is that if you get it wrong or what you shape it as turns a bit rubbish, you can always remould it  - keep the bits you want and dont be afraid to look at what bit were crap and change.

I wonder if we all sat down and had to write on a bit of paper the 3 pivotal points that shaped our life what they would be? Would we have still arrived where we are without them? If not what would have been different?

the wondrous, wondrous twists and turns of the path we tread on this mortal coil.

Fools live to regret their words, wise men to regret their silence

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A (very) short ode to my new home :)

There is a village, it's hidden in the hills
There is a village where the madding crowd stills
There is a village where the cottage chimneys smoke
A place of magic and handmade folk

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Crystal Deodorants

We are still sorting out a big delivery of Crystal Deos into UK. As some people have noticed we have run out of stock of the large ones.

It's for two reasons: they are becoming ever more popular so have gone down faster than last stocks did , and some of the contacts I have to contact to get them from are not great at replying and I've been sorting this since early September.

Should have them in again v shortly, we still have mini sticks (though levels dropping v quickly), roll ons and sprays.

And we will factor this in in future. It would be faster for me to go to the source and chisel them myself I think!

thanks for your patience xxx

Winter Arts Market, Dec 8th & 9th, St George's Hall Liverpool

Erm..hello..grab your christmas jumpers out of that old vintage suitcase, get your novlety antlers on and enough money to buy: mince pies, mulled wine and LOTS OF AMAZING PRESSIES and save the dates; 8TH & 9TH December.

Excitingly we are once again lucky enough to have got a speck on both Saturday and Sunday, 200 applications for 110 stalls I think it was.

The quality, creativity and sheer diversity of handmade stuff to buy from local makers literally makes my head spin, heart flutter and debit card creaaaaaak and croaaaaak.

I tend to spend the first two hours on Saturday buying up lots of stuff, spending all the profit I have yet to make. Best presents EVER IN THE WORLD EVER.

More details here chaps: Click me..I'm a link to your Liverpool winter wonderland

See you there. 10% off at the Little Satsuma stand if you are wearing a Christmas jumper, antlers or bring a snowman friend with you.

...as one of the manifestations of the mystery that is life...

“In the past we have tried to make a distinction between animals which we acknowledge have some value and others which, having none, can be liquidated when we wish. This standard must be abandoned. Everything that lives has value simply as a living thing, as one of the manifestations of the mystery that is life.”

― Albert Schweitzer

Of Monsters and Men....

short point...are these the best band ever? addicted to listening to 'Sloom' by Of Monsters and Men.

makes me want to skip around the lounge (if it was bit bigger)

A race to the end....

I have become rather good sort of pen pal friends with one of my very first customers, we often email each other on various animal issues, campaigns and chew the fat on life in general at times. We still haven't managed to meet up at the various stalls and meet & greets she does, but hopefully will soon.

She helped with some ideas when I was wondering how to build my plinth dress from chicken wire and recycled stuff.

She fosters greyhounds for www.erinhounds.co.uk, we did a collection at work of dog goodies, materials and stuff for raffle prizes for them, and the work they do is fantastic.

Her foster dog, Dee, (pictured above) is finally off to her new home next week which is such good news as she had been with her a fair while and is a beautiful dog who deserves a loving home.

She sends me links and posters sometimes, which I always email on to my animal loving bods, but I thought ooh I can ftp them up to my web and link to them. So I am testing doing it....if you click this pdf link below...it's an example of some of the doggies they have saved.

Click here: Erin Dogs Poster: Please give me a nice home :)

They make great pets as they only need two twenty minute walks a day, many can live with cats, are hypoallergenic for asthma sufferers and are clean , quiet and calm and live 12- 15 years.

Many greyhounds bred for racing never even make it to the track and are 'disposed of' at less than 2 yrs old. If they do race and manage to make it to 'retirement' when they aren't wanted they end up at markets being sold on, or if they don't sell they get killed or in fact other things I can't write because it makes me too sad. Sadly in man's own race for money and man's greed these poor furry chaps get a very raw deal.

Erin Hounds also help Irish lurchers who face neglect and disposal, having been used for " field sports" and breeding.

So in the spirit of "Don't breed or buy whilst animals die" we thought we'd blog about the great work Erin Hounds do and do some tweets too to let people know there are some great ex-racers there looking for a home :) xxx 

Sunday, 7 October 2012

The lie-in, the witch (that's me) and the welsh wardrobe

Well, what a bizarre day. a beautiful day in which, without boarding  a plane I have travelled around Canada and Scottish Lochs.

I had called Dave yesterday who runs the boathouse at the lake, said I'd ring about 10.30am today to check they were there (I called late..that's the lie in bit!). I set off (forgetting an all important towel to dry off...this aspect of oubliation was not discovered until I had jumped in the lake at the end of my canoe trip, out the back of the boathouse), I got lost and I swear I somehow drove through a secret wardrobe and into Canada or a far northerly scottish loch.

My and my little ford KA ended up on a very narrow road up a VERY steep hill/ mountain and then found a little sign post for the lake, that then sent us down a track through some moorland, the track/ road was basically just about wide enough for my (old) bat mobile and which had lots of sheep pottering about on it.

As the lake came into view I actually said out loud 'What an absoloutely amazing place', because I couldn't believe I had never been before.....just stunning autumn sun drenched roads with over hanging trees and birds singing and waterfalls at the side of the road.

I was expecting Aslan to appear out of the bushes or Dorothy & the tin man to saunter past - it is like driving into a fairytale/ a film set/ a place dreams are made of.

The canoeing was immense, at one with mother nature, watching birds soar and swoop and bubbles from fish pop up on the surface. I saved a few of these biggish winged insects from death by drowning (but slightly freaked when I realised they would be onboard my mini insect noah's ark for the rest of the trip!) and we sailed back to shore with a wasp I'd plucked from the lake who was drowning, perched on the front like a mascot - I safely lifted him to shore onto a dry leaf and he seemed ok. I waived his foot passenger fee too as he had no spare change.

"Can I jump in?" I asked. to be fair I think they thought I was slightly crackers, but they let me jump in from the boat house back door. The water was chilly but felt amazing.... I like to think it knocks years off my boat race (face for you non-cockneys).

And so I dried off with a towel - not a clue who's it was, had a peek at the RSPB place (one for closer visit/ attention on next trip), peeked at the dam and stopped to look at the Corporation of Liverpool HUGE plaques at the side of the dam - because this dam gives Liverpool all its tap water. The tower in the photo filters out leaves and other stuff...and until a few years ago it literally flowed straight to the taps of Liverpool. So for those of you in Liverpool tonight brushing your teeth before bed - I was swimming in that a few hours ago - but don't worry....I didn't wee :))))) sorry couldnt resist.

I made my way back to Llangollen by luck rather than by navigation skills. Wetsuit & lifejacket drying in the bathroom, tea eaten and now for a film with the bunnies :)

Saturday, 6 October 2012

What a to do!

At Carrog by the River, sunny day
 At the start of the year, which in fact I started dressed as Marie Antionette at 4am on arrival home to a police cordon and an Audi crumpled at the house gates, I made a list of what I'd like to do this year. Not really one about acheiving things, more one of places I'd like to visit or things I'd like to do.
It started with a few items on, half of which I had done by June....and then it just grew...I think it even grows at night when I am not looking :) And it's huge, but I see/ read about places (mainly these are the ones further down the list as it changed in nature circa March-June) and get told about them by people I meet on my travels, and I really really don't want to forget them....

Judging by the size of it and given I have a project in the day job that is eating night and weekends I'd say my little big list will be seeing in 2013 with me :)
Visit Lancaster for day
Bat house @ Chester zoo
Go ape at delamere
Learn to use sewing machine
Borneo orangies
Go up snowdon
Go to denise's friends farm: Fordhall
Zakappane forest Poland
New: Shambala fest Aug n'hampton
New: Visit Bath
New: Visit Eden project
New: Llandudno
New: Shepherds hut @ Llangower campsite
New: Telford ski centre!
New: Alwen Reservoir
New: Brenig Reservoir
New: Cycle Llandgela forest
New: Visit Llandudno & by canoe great orme
New: Nant mill and plas power wood shopping & cable car
New: Stokholm island of Pembrokeshire (puffins and birds)
New: Try and find the ski centre at Lake Vrynwy
New: Find Rhiwargor Waterfall

In Progress: Swim at Carrog Beach (end of steam train) - well I've been there & paddled (see pic)

In Progress: Go to Munich Christmas Markets again - sorting it with my Santa pal, Rebecca
In Progress: Visit Rick's place in Hereford (Hereford Alternative Arts Centre), hopefully Oct/Nov with Laura

In Progress: go to Warsaw - booked to go in November

In Progress: Llangower by Bala - beach for swimming - located it whilst canoeing with my dad.

In Progress: Go to lake Vrynwy - due to go tomorrow and canoe

Done - Go sailing/canoeing somewhere I've not been before
Done - Monkeyforest day
Done - Trentham Gardens barefoot walk without crying in pain
Done - Go to morocco again
Done - Ride a camel (but must be one that is well cared for and loved and looks happy)
Done - Visit an urban farm again  - and yet again a four legged animal bit me :)
Done - Go to krakow - done
Done - Swim in a lake/ more wild swims - done
Done - Buy a canoe
Done - Go up to the Castle ruins in Llangollen

Done - Go on the steam train at Llangollen

Done - Swim the Blue Lagoon at Horsehoe Pass Quarry


iPhone notes

I could spend hours reading what's in this very useful little app. It evokes thoughts of where I was when I made the notes & what was going through my busy head.
There are to do lists, poems I've written whilst waiting someplace or other, poems about dates I've been on, my list of dates, places I want to visit ( marking them 'done' when indeed they are), phone numbers & emails related to people I've met in course of travels & some of whom I throw a puzzled glance at before I delete them, hostel addresses in eastern europe, postcodes of places I've been en-route to & some time or other, business ideas and well a whole heap more!
It forms a very interesting little insight into day to day life, the bits we remember & the bits we forget.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Midnight manoeuvres

I'm sat in the hallway in nightie and leg warmers, having had major urge to tidy up, put washing on & get set for tomorrow. The rabbits are awake from daytime slumber and TJ is currently peeking at the screen as I type. I love the sound of their feet as they make their merry way about the house. Family guy is on, one last cuppa and then bed. For a lie in, a a rare old lie in :)) x ooh and found out its Llangollen food festival in 2 weeks do am made up as its walking distance from satsuma cottage...perfect way to spend an autumn day in the welsh hills and valleys :)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

in at the deep end....ing up in A&E

Well my oh my! So last year a group of us, including Benji the dog, had great fun wild swimming in the Brecon Beacons at a place called 'The Warren', we even found the embers of a fire on the riverbank to stoke to make it roar (ish) again and dry us off.

So Rhoda and I agreed to meet last Sunday as part of my 'ooh I'm in Wales lets become an adventurer' and Rhoda's love of open swimming. She swims in the Albert Dock in Liverpool regularly.

"It's called the Blue Lagoon" I'd enthused and it's on top of the horse shoe pass, it's a disused slate quarry....so last Sunday we set off with more baggage than you'd take for a 2 week holiday, each, and said to the biker at the Ponderosa cafe on our arrival "Is that there Blue Lagoon over there mr bikerman, thankyou please?" pointing to a big huge mountain of slatey hill!

Now having broken my rucksack I must confess I didn't look overly Bear Grylls with my wetsuit and other post swimming things poking out of an ASDA bag for life! nevertheless after passing several tonnes of slate and several 'DEEP WATER, KEEP OUT' etc signs and after trying several entry routes (most of which were just sheer edges down to the quarry), we located a descent of sorts. I chose to slide it on my ass and my leggings now live in the dustbin.

Looking back at what we had descended, with not a soul around and a sky turning grey we both confessed we were a tad apprehensive and thought maybe a day at the lobotomy clinic might have been a more appropriate day outing.

HOWEVER, having spent the previous week stuck in my lounge in an ebay wetsuit (not the whole week though you understand) that was too small for me and as I had (on finally removing myself from it) had to buy yet another one...no way was I not going in now! 

So we tentatively made our way in and I then freaked out as I saw a tyre underneath me - clearly less lethal than a great white but strangely off-putting nevertheless, though I'm not sure anyone died from ever just seeing a tyre. And then I reminded myself there was a actually a van at the bottom of it anyway which I'd seen on a youtube video of the Llangollen blue lagoon and so I figured I should 'man up'.

So we swam about. feeling like two avid explorers and we gasped at the cold (I was mainly gasping as my wetsuit was choking me but I couldn't admit even the next size up was no match for the amount of cake -homemade and palm oil-free by the way- I had recently been consuming!). The Lagoon is very clear and it's circa 40ft deep I think it is (thats about 12 metres right??).

We'd done it! So we sat on rocks underwater and chatted, we peeked underwater with Rhoda's goggles and then i put my left hand underwater....and pulled it up with a rather grim wound to the side of my wrist! It looked like a little smiling, little chatting mouth with little teeth. Convinced I was going to bleed to death as it was near my artery we scrambled in our wetsuits up the sheer slate climb, me with a sock tied around my wrist to stem the blood, Rhoda carrying my 'bag for life' or death as I feared!

We had to change out of our wetsuits at the top quickly before we could get to the Ponderosa cafe where we had parked; whilst changing and with bleeding wrist, my towel blew away leaving me in the rain, on top of a disused slate quarry on a hill in wales with no clothes on! Hugely amusing. Benny Hill meets Holby City!

The chaps at the Ponderosa cafe patched me up, I didn't pass out, Rhoda played Mum and made me tea with sugar and I got to A&E where I spent a lovely evening eating the contents of the hospital shop and with what looked like the cast of my big fat gypsy wedding who came in after me. I chatted to a few people and reflected that A&E is one of the only places you don't ever want to be first in the queue and should be happy to wait.

So a rather adventurous start in perhaps a less than easy wild swim spot, but I had great fun, my wrist is healing and I've a list of rivers and waterfalls to visit when it's sunny - all this on our little island.

Sometimes we travel so far and yet great little gems and things we are looking for are right in front of our eyes.. often they cost nothing to do and are source of adventure, risk, excitement & laughter.

Next on the list is the Blue Lagoon on the coast of Wales, which is where the sea has breached an old quarry wall, looks great and has conga eels at the bottom...yes they look mean, but I'm just going to envison them all shimmying around the seabed "Lets all do the conga" and my fear will be abated.

Evening all x

Monday, 17 September 2012

The road less travelled....not taking the easy route

South Morocco at a deserted beach.
So well what’s new? Erm….the question really would be better phrased to ask what’s not!

I have relocated to a beautiful Village in North Wales full of nature , wildlife, forests, herbalists, holistic therapists, a place where lay lines cross and magic happens!

In my endeavours to constantly evolve and learn I felt the time was right to move to the next stage of my life that brings me closer to my loves: plants, animals and nature, and to leave behind some things I had felt were beginning to drain my energy (which is usually boundless!)

So I took myself off to Morocco travelling, meeting monkeys, swimming with frogs and turtles, offroad moppedding, holding goats, eating homemade food and things straight off trees and out of udders! And then, sat by the shores of the Atlantic at my friend’s beach house hotel everything kind of shook itself out in my little brain. And I knew a few things lately had been so evidently pointing me to what I was supposed to do next.

So I did it! I drove to Wales the day after I got home and I found a house to move to.

I have bought a canoe to explore my planet earth free from the constraints of when the hire shop is open, to see my planet earth from a different perspective & to be free to be around nature whenever I choose (canoe licence permitting that is!)

When I come home on rainy nights or dark nights there are chimneys smoking and it smells amazing, when I come home on light nights I walk by the river, canoe or eat the fresh organic veg that my neighbour passes me (after I’ve rescued all the slugs and little fellows in it!)

The rabbits love their new house and I have renamed them the welsh rarebits! My only sadness is that Darcy didn’t make it through to move with us and I had always envisioned her with us in any move. Darcy was my 3rd rabbit I inherited in December, I tried everything and hundreds of pounds but just couldn’t save her. She is buried in the vicarage garden and we have a little grey rabbit statue to remind us of her. I knew the day she would day die as (I’ve no told anyone this ) I sat and cried my heart out late at night the day before she died, as she licked me whilst she was clearly very ill and so I licked her back to comfort her. It might sound mental but I wanted to show her in rabbit language that I loved her immensely and had tried my best. My housemate, Kurt, was really good about it as she had had renal disease she’d weed on the carpet from inside and out of the cardboard fortress I bought her! And he turned out to have taken some great photos of her which I really loved and which brought a smile to my face.

“I am the wind that blows, I am the grass that grows, I am every living thing”.

That applies as much to me and you as it does to my Darcy. And that comes back to Little Satsuma and what it’s all about. Damage you to the environment, our planet and animals is damage to yourself. Once you begin to understand that we are merely separated in forms by the presence of electrons and so forth then you begin to realise this and also, amazingly, lose your fear of lots of things.

So what next…expanding the range, supporting more charities, carrying on supporting Kalaweit radio & sanctuary, moving somewhere bigger to get goats and rescue chickens. I have read a book on Goats now and am rather excited – my how my Friday evenings have changed!

Sometimes we get where we want to be not by taking the easy route, it’s tough to make big change, but no great change ever happened without upheaval, no country changed in history significantly without a revolution. These last few months have been my own personal mini revolution, a rollercoaster of emotions and choices and I’m beginning to enjoy the view on the other side as I move into the life I always wanted. I’m full of motivation for Little Satsuma, I have an interview to be a volunteer regional speaker for the Dr Hadwen Trust, I’m off to Warsaw in November and am off travelling for a month next March/ April to India and Indonesia and so it’s full steam ahead here now.

Every day whilst you are free and safe from harm you must live it to the full and always say thankyou for what you see before you and around you.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Visiting or just moved to Liverpool? Secret things and not so secret things to do! We're more than football and Beatles :)

This list is something I wrote for someone new to town, I really like this list as it's places I'm passionate about or I want to visit:

• Harp Inn @ Burton – Wirral. Sea has gone – now RSPB Bird Sanctuary. The pub looks like something from another century – ooh actually come to think of it – it is! SILLY ME!

• Meols Shore – just off New Brighton, my fave beach. No chavs, no litter, gold sand 

• Thurstaston – Wirral – Thor’s hammer, red rocks, ace views. Good for horse riding

• Wirral Way – cycling – starts Hooton, finishes West Kirby – it’s the route of the old train line and it’s even got an old station on it!

• Parkgate – Ice Cream from the old art deco ice cream shop. Handel sailed from here. Turner supposedly painted here too. The river has gone but the dock walls are good for sitting on and eating ice cream whilst looking out to Wales.

• The Thatch pub at Raby Mere – Wirral. (real name is the Wheatsheaf):


• Woolton Village – Lpool. www.wooltonpicturehouse.co.uk for cinema. Nice little village with a good cheese shop

• Port Sunlight – Wirral. Home of Unilever. The village he built for his workers. I was christened here and my grandparents are buried there. My dad is captain of the veteran’s bowling team here!!

• Sheldrakes restaurant in Heswall – on the shore. Quite expensive though. Heswall is v nice though
• Croxteth Hall Jungle Parc! http://www.jungleparc.co.uk//
I only just found out that this existed! It looks amazing. You can go in the hall itself - It’s seen better days but there is a big oak panelled room with a massive fireplace – I like that one.

• Monkey Forest (this is in Stafford tho) but the monkeys roam free and sit by you! Someone said they can be a bit vicious at times if they’ve got babies


• Alwen Reservoir – in Wales –a guy at the RSPCA recommended this to me. Only looked at web briefly but it must be good for your cycling. Pick a day when it’s not raining – this is very hard to do in Wales – everytime I cross the border it starts raining!

• Llangollen – well cute village in Wales, but like only 45 mins away. Steam train, waterfalls and river and little quirky arts places, good walks, ace ice cream and fudge is immense. Good pub/ resto in old watermill that overlooks the river (as it would being as it had to be by water to be a water mill hehe!). mega busy in Summer full on American tourists. You can drive to it by main roads or go via horse shoe pass – ace views and sheep everywhere on roads at times so you have to stop, I love that bit.

• Formby Squirrels – Red Squirrel reserve by the sand dunes

• St Georges Hall – loads of ‘firsts’, where the saying ‘send him down’ comes from, first law courts, first central heating system, beautiful ornate floor and organ and statues. My fave Scouse Heroine is getting a statue her soon - ladies fighting back as all statues pretty much male so far! Rock on Kitty Wilkinson..

• Yellow Duck Tour – touristy but you learn loads and the guides are usually hilarious!

• Speke Hall – it’s near me, everyone loves it, I know nothing about it at all, well, other than that it’s black and white!

• St Georges Hall winter market too, run by Open Culture (Christina and Charlotte who I know) every year (end of Nov/ start December)
• Lark lane farmers market is on every 4th Saturday of the month – it’s the biggest one.  And then veggie breakfast at the Greendays cafe afterwards. Hidden gem and a half that cafe is. ooh and you must go to Larks on lark lane and browse the vintage furniture - we have great fun in there on a regular basis

• Ghost Tour – starts at Peter Kavannaghs Pub (this place is great) and they do it for freshfields animal rescue centre and it finishes in Cathedral gardens and you go ghost hunting!

• Peter Kavanaghs Pub (aka Peter Kays) its one of the most mental pubs ever – full of characters and weird stuff on the ceiling. Live music on a Tuesday, we’ve been there at 1am singing around the piano before. Landlady, Rita, is terrifying during the pub quiz – which incidentally is a bloody hard quiz

• The Williamson tunnels - www.williamsontunnels.com In any other city these would be funded as proper tourist attraction. They are immense. It’s just volunteers who work on it. It’s believed that Williamson built them basically as a philanthropic act to give men work when they had none after returning from Napoleonic wars.

• Dingle disused railway station, the terminus of the old Overhead railway (aka the Dockers Umbrella) – we went on a ghost hunt down here. Totally and utterly fascinating. There are loads of vintage cars down there just left to rot, old corporation van, there is rope everywhere (some made and some not) this would all have been used on the docks – the roper maker died and all his stuff was just left there. The actual station platform is now a car mechanics garage. There was a fire here in early 1900s when a train caught fire and as it entered tunnel it met with lots of flammable stuff – 8 people died so it’s abit eerie being down there thinking of that

• Now I mentioned the ghost tour – it ends in the gardens of Anglican Cathedral….one of my heroines has her grave here (well her headstone) I sometimes take flowers to her….Kitty Wilkinson – she pioneered wash houses in UK, was first warden of a UK wash house and she saved all her poorer neighbours (unknowingly) from Cholera etc by allowing them to wash their clothes in boiling water etc in her house. She was Irish and she lost her baby sister and her dad in a storm out in Irish Sea). Huskisson is also buried here – the first man killed by a train in UK, it was by Louis Stephenson’s rocket on the day it was launched. He lost his leg and subsequently died, his ghost has been seen by loads of people, limping around the gardens at night. Sometime they open the original Oratory building which is where they used to hold funeral services and blimey it’s like stepping into Rome or Greece! www.stjamescemetery.co.uk/

• Steve’s Binns talks and walks etc – he’s the blind historian I was telling you about. Amazing. He holds a lot of his talks at St Georges Hall. He is a national treasure, hear his talks here: Steve Binn's audio talks

• The Philharmonic. Loads of good classical stuff, the head conductor is a Russian dude at the mo, Vassily Petrenko. They also show old films on the super duper old cinema screen that rises out of the floor!

• The Philharmonic pub – old gin palace type affair, loads of little cosy, wood panelled rooms, haunted and the men’s toilets are so spectacular they are Grade listed and people go see them as part of a tour!!!!!!!!!!!mental!

• LAST BUT NOT LEAST the Kazimier. http://www.thekazimier.co.uk/listing.php

http://www.mellomello.co.uk// kind of a sister bar to the Kazimier’s club. They do allsorts of crazy stuff there. All the furniture is shabby and vintage, it was born out of the market and space they used to have (where I used to have a market stall) closing down and being demolished to make…a car park! I was gutted when it happened. It closed at Christmas and it made me cry. Liverpool missed a trick with it as it was really starting to grow and the location would have been ideal to ‘grow out’ a Camden type Sunday thing.  Try Mello Mello's Sunday Roast - they do a vegan version too. Oh my god it was so nice I even at the parsnips!

• Dr Duncans – ok so it’s just a pub – but there is one room in there that is amazing – takes you back in time. I pinched this off a website about Dr Duncan: The name commemorates Doctor Duncan, a relentless campaigner against poor living conditions in the Liverpool of the Victorian era, and the first Chief Medical Officer of Health to be appointed in the UK.

• The Egg cafĂ© - http://www.eggcafe.co.uk/ tbh their websitedoesnt do it justice. Take your own wine. Full of art and characters and Stan sometime plays his harp in there and it’s fab. Summer's evening with windows open - lush!

• Note on Stan and his harp – Stan is omnipresent – at most of the above places you will see him. He goes to the Kazimier and everyone loves him. He’s like 80 or so. We booked him for an event we did last year at he was great – telling tales and poems and singing songs his dad taught him from the wars etc. Every city should have a Stan.

There is also a book which a taxi driver recommended to me and for life of me I cant remember. I know they have it in Waterstones as I called to ask them, but can I find the note of his name – nope!

I better stop now as I’ll end up writing a book here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XX

Wise words from Ghandi..

I stumbled across two more quotes I really like early on this morning whilst I couldn't sleep...

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”

" It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."

Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon :)

The new studio, "Studio Six"
 Well since we posted, we've had a few changes, a nice Christmas and New Year and a good start to 2012.

New Year greeted me (whilst dressed a Marie Antoinette in a flowing curly white wig) to a car crashed into the gates of the vicarage where I live, with a massive police cordon and ambulances - quite a way to see in the New Year - they were unscathed (unbelievably) though sadly the grade 2 wall and gates weren't.

And we got a 3rd bunny rabbit into the satsuma house as she couldn't go to her intended destination we had her.

Oh and yes we moved studio last week to a lovely bright and airy studio, sharing with the fabulous Artist, Sophie Green, so we are lucky enough to see her new creations as they come to life and then Jan who does ceramics based on photos (amazing) has joined us too. The view of the sunset over the Liverpool skyline is breathtaking and very inspiring and I feel more creative than I have done for months...

What else we are starting a new site called myvintagebritain.com very soon and also another one will be up and running shortly selling food for wildlife in your garden to keep them fed and happy during all seasons. More details to follow.

The mail order catalogue is my focus for next two week's in the evening and we will be looking for agents to sell our goodies if you fancy getting involved drop me an email to jane@littlesatsuma.com

Best wishes for a safe, healthy, fun and prosperous 2012 one and all.

Jane, Little Satsuma xx